Dreams and Nightmares, Kayley Kuhnle

She escapes to her dream

while twinkles of light fill the void sky.

Is her head on a silk pillow,

or on a large rock among blossoming flowers?

Is she laying under the air

of her ceiling fan,

or is her hair being blown 

by gusts of wind?

As she is laying, 

her hair blowing,

she stands up.

She glances to the left 

and discovers a tall figure approaching her.

She tries to get a look at it,

but sees a blurry face.

The figure starts to run towards her,

leaving her no option but to escape its path

She runs trying to not look back

she fears that the unrecognizable will catch her.

Her feet now trampling the once perfect flowers,

the wind starts blowing heavier than before,

her feet start to get lighter

and in desperate need of a getaway,

she decides to try something...

Extending her arms,

the wind suddenly picks her off her feet.

She soars through the sky,

all the way to the clouds.

A grin appears on her face.

She reaches out to a cloud,

only to hear a rumble in the sky.

The clouds turn to a menacing gray

and a blast of lightning

sends her plummeting to the ground.

She jerks up as she hits the floor of the field,

only to discover that it is gone.

She is back in her bed,

where she once slept peacefully.

She looks to the left, but this time

there is not a faceless figure, 

just an alarm clock that reads 2:30 am.

She lays back down on her silk pillow,

Looking towards the ceiling.

She clears every last thought from her head.

She dozes off as she hopes that she will not have to do this

all over again.


  1. Really great piece, I really enjoyed reading it! I like how it kept the reader engaged and questioning what was going to happen next, I also like how you made it very descriptive and dream-like.

  2. Your poem is good! I like how you put the reader into a question like state, where you have to guess what can come next. I also really like how you keep the reader guessing for what will happen next!

  3. I really liked your use of vocab!


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