Life as a Bunny Tester

 Limited impact' expected from Taiwan cosmetics animal test ban

Hello fellow humans, 

It is I, Thumper the rabbit here to tell you the truth of my life and many others. You see, my life isn’t all gumdrops and rainbows, it's much harder than that. It’s terrifying and scary because you never know what’s going to happen, you might become blind, get a new scar,  or you might even die, you never know. Let me set the scene for you into my daily life. I live indoors, I’m never outside. I live in a laboratory with other rabbits just like me. We don't do much; we eat, sleep, and test. You might be thinking, “Well that doesn't seem so bad,” but it is, you just don’t know the half of it. You know how some people get a “makeover” or a “glow up," well it’s the complete opposite of that. 


Trapped. Cramped. About to get the drops of burning chemicals that makes me blind squirted into my eye. Blue gloves, shots, and stress. Blood, scars, burns, and rashes. Chemicals, white coats, and rabbits. This is my reality, no field, no carrots, life is not a breeze. Instead I stay inside all day in labs watching the days go by. No memories of my childhood as a wee little baby bunny. No hopping, no skipping, no fun. Just staying still, in boredom, and distress. Nothing to look forward to. We’re testers with no legacy to live, we’re here so the humans can test their makeup, shampoo and other products. They don’t care about our health. We’re just left to die and once we are dead, another bunny falls into our place living another life of misery. 

Every day I wake up with some sort of pain, whether it’s my eyes, my back, or even my ears. Testing is always painful, so painful that a bunny dies each day from doing their job as a tester. Each year more than 100 million animals are killed in U.S laboratories. Honestly they don’t even need us, in fact there are many other alternatives to animal testing such as using human cells and tissues. 

In the end we still suffer. We do it for the humans, that’s what we were made to do isn’t it? Live, die and suffer for the humans. I live a life that isn’t even mine, it’s the humans. 

There's no way out of this horrible, horrible life, many have tried to escape and many have not succeeded. I wait for the day that this will end, I think to myself it will be over and I will be happy, but the day never comes. Days are slow, my life is like a ticking time bomb - slow and painful waiting for it to burst.    

Many brands still to this day test on animals. Brands such as Clinique, Benefit, L'oreal, and others. Many companies test on us just so they can sell their products in China where it’s required by law. They only care about the money, not us. But not all brands are bad, in fact there are many great brands that are cruelty free. Such as BareMinerals, Becca, Toofaced, The Ordinary, Tarte, and many others. Make sure that you do your research before purchasing and using products because many brands that you wouldn’t expect still partake in animal testing. Please help us and do your part and become fully cruelty free and to help take down the non cruelty free companies. Please help us rabbits and other animals reach a happy normal life. We deserve to live freely, not trapped. 

Thank you, 

Thumper the rabbit. 

Links to cruelty free brands to use:

Black owned cruelty free brands to support:

Brands that are NOT cruelty free:


  1. I love the awareness you are bringing to animal testing and the emotion you provoked through this piece. I think the way you wrote this in perspective of the bunny is very smart as well.

  2. I really like how instead of writing in your perspective, you did the animal. I really like that you are bringing awareness to animal testing and that you provided links of places to shop that are cruelty free.

  3. Wow this was really deep and if people didn't know about the cruelty in animal testing before, they definitely will understand it now after reading your piece. Good job, I loved the details and how it puts the reader in the bunny's perspective.

  4. I love the choice of words! This piece truly shows off the passion you have for animals! I like how you used the prespective of the animal, it makes it very clear and able to understand.


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